Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2nd of May, World Scrap Booking Day!

On the 2nd of May (Saturday) it's gonna be the world scrapping day. Diff part of world have their very own unique way to scrap and of course as for me, i have my own way too by referring other scrappers LO as well and creating it by my own. Here's one of my fav. scrappie website that Elaine introcude me for freebies, For the beginners, they also provide some tutorials on how using photoshop to do your own Digiscrap LO.

Elaine is my Scrappie Sifu. I always like to look at her LO because it brings live and joy in it!! So a live when looking at scrap that she did for Aiden and Caitlyn. So cute both of them. Elaine not only doing Digiscrap but Paper Scrap too. It's really lovely. Lot's of handwork and efoort but of course it is definitely nicer than digiscrap. It can compile all together as a very personal photo album. So lovely.

I wish i could have more time to scrap!! I actually just finish a LO on my two good friends that i jus celebrated their birthday with. A really nice one... More to come.

To celebrate the world scrapping day with the rest of the scrappers in the world. Here's my LO!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I have my very first Sunday all alone by myself...

Me, Myself & I... That's how i felt last Sunday. I found a inner peace of myself... So calm, so peace, so free, so gentle...

I have my morning active sports that i recently have my sporty spirit back on my feets. Playing Badminton, Out for a Jog with my dear Pups and climbing up the stairs of Batu Caves. The 272 steps of stairs... I've been a lazy bumb for quite some years until reasonly well discipline myself with Sports again. Wake up early in the morning like 7am. Haha.... Usually i can hardly open up my eyes at 8 so what about 7!! But Loving to see the active side of me back Alive!

A night by my own 2 days ago... Bro is out with Jackie for their boyish Gossips, parent is out for wedding reception that i choose not to follow. (Usually i will be a good girl of them, following them to the dinner but not this time) I love my Weekends alot... those who know me well will know that! So i decided to be alone, watching "Bride Wars" at home, bring my Pups out for a jog, went out and bought a tin of Seafood Mushroom Campbell with Garlic Toast at bread Story for my dinner. Simple yet yummy... Went back to my room for my very nice Masque Treatment with my CD player on, Melon Dew Aroma theraphy, Smelling nice in my room.. Cleaning up my Baju, doing my laundry, cleaning up the house...

Seriously, I never felt so nice n' calm before... with only myself the whole evening till night. It's nice to be alone once in a while. Like Shirley told me, that's what u call the balance of life. I always love goin out... even shopping n' walking around, looking at cafe, boutiques all by myself. Do love those time alot! Now I finally realize how nice to have some times of mine doin things alone and having time for myself alone!!

Loving It!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Dream by Priscilla Ahn

I was a little girl alone in my little world
who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,
and laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me,
God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Now I'm old and feeling grey.
I don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well,
there's many tales I've lived to tell.
I'm ready now, I'm ready now, I'm ready now to fly from the highest wing.

I had a dream

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunshine is back after 2 weeks of full working days!

I'm not getting lazy to blog but I am full loaded with my work but a productive 14 days of my life realligning my office work and my very passionate work of mine on the other hands which is my party event and wedding side of me. I'm now back blogging. Lots to catch up with.. my mum seems to be more likely a blogger than me!! Sigh! but anyways... gonna kick my ass abit on work, family, friends, relationship with my BF (Yet to improve), Health (Weight), and of course keep updating my blog!! I'm back..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Translation For LP127

优秀的声明 (D.O.E)

您的D.O.E是您的LP旅途的路线图. 它是在以后3个月期间将是更新的一个生存文件。细节和清晰保证更加巨大的成功,不管您是否独自地工作目标或支持别人有他们的,因此确信,您的声明是S.M.A.R.T.I的.

S - Specific & Stretchy (具体& 能伸长)

M - Measurable (可测量)

A - Attainable & Action Oriented (可达到的& 务实)

R - Results Oriented (针对的结果)

T - Time Framed (时间构筑了)

I - Interpersonal (人际 )


递交一张最近颜色照片(IC/Passport size)与您的DOE初稿


1. 個人資料

a. 全名

b. 地址

c. 电话号码(首页,办公室,流动)


e. 职业

2. 主要关系

列出人的名字最接近您,包括什么关系。 这也许包括您的配偶、亲戚、亲密的朋友、工作同事等等.

3. 高级课程誓约
团队目标声明将由在第1个周末作出决定。 您在您修改过的/最后的D.O.E插入您的团队目标声明。
宣称什么是您的个人立场代表在您的社区或您的国家,甚至世界。 描述您的立场为什么对您来说那么重要,并且什么冲击或变化它在世界上将产生。
列出您选择LP的原因。 为什么LP对您的重要?
  • 引发人数 - 个人&团 队声明
a. 写下您为什么选择做引发者的一个立场,并且您会需要怎样的素质成为一位领导?
b. 宣称您承诺在您的LP旅途期间,您将引发几多个人上基本课程?
c. 把您的团队承诺在您的LP旅途期间会引发人来上基本课程的数量加起来,您在修改过的或最后的D.O.E可以插入您的队伍引发声明。
标准来说,在LP的你是在每次基本课程至少你要有一个人被你引发在课程里面。 这就说着您的LP的每个人的,您的LP都有引发的确切的人数在每次基本训练。 平均起来,每个LP成员引发3个人进基本课程。
  • 目标

请写下3个你现在有的目标, 具体写下你会在LP旅途中实现的这些目标的结果。例如:描述目标,为什么这个目标对您那么重要,而你现在目标的状况是怎样呢?然后把它分解为你要是一个怎样的人?要做些什么?结果?
Be: 我将是…(态度方式将会支持我达到我的目标)
Have:在第3个周末之前,我将会有… (具体,可测量)
从不同的区域选择目标在您的生活中保证平衡。 例子: 家庭、事业、健康、关系、信仰、教育、休闲或者财务。
  • 社区服务
社区服务是人际的。 宣称您的个人社区服务承诺并且包括您为什么选择您的社区这个区域为LP的期间服务。 极少的服务是每个星期1个小时。
辨认您最敬佩的20或21世纪的领导,并且他有您仰慕或崇拜的领导特征。 您将会完成这本书然后会在第3个周末之前写关于这位你敬佩领导者。
再检查。 是您的D.O.E被键入了和" S.M.A.R.T.I.呢" ? 您的D.O.E是不是优秀呢?