Monday, February 23, 2009

My mum is always a good cook and for those friends of mine that tried my mum's cooking before are gonna admit that she really can cook very delicious dishes. She is like the inventor, she modified and invent new dishes out of something common.

She is not a very good cook herself until her 30s, she start taking cooking courses n' as well as reference from cookbook. I think the only reason why my mum cooks so well is because of my dad. The fussy one in the family that loves good food and enjoyed his meals with his family. So our mums will always learn, experimenting and cook yummy food for the family. but So far, the only dish that i learn from her is her delicious pasta... that's all... sad!!

Last Thursday, My mum has a i-cook demonstration in Bfree. almost 15 people were there. I never knew my mum is quite a famous cook until that Thursday, with my own eyes looking at people admiring and loving her food. I am like so proud of my mum. She really have lots of Fanatic Fans that loves her cooking. Instead of everyone sitting down on their chairs jotting down notes and recipes, most of the 1st and 2nd role ones stood up and just stand next by my mum, looking at her cooking taking notes on how simple cooking can be if u use the right way to cook. That night she cook 3 dishes and it only took her less than half an hour to finish. It's amazing. Here's the 3 dishes that she cook:

  • Mixed Vegie with Oyster Sauce

  • Black Pepper Chicken Chop

  • Friend Udon

Since the response is good, they are inviting my mum to cook again @ Bfree Centre this Thursday night 8pm. For those young people like me, don't really like to spend lots of time staying in the kitchen cooking, taking too much of ur time, no patient but wanna cook a good meal, my mum is definitely someone that u wouldn't want to miss learning from.

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