Friday, July 4, 2008

Zzzz... Zzzz...

Have anyone video themselve when they are asleep? I never know myself what am I doing or acting like when I am asleep!

Some says I snore, some says I drool, some says I talk, some says I kick, some says I snatch blanket with whoever next to me! Ok.. Yes.. I snore.. Jus have to admit it since Lil'moo moo Recorded my snore when I'm sleeping! *Evil* It does bother me actually by accepting the fact that i SNORE! n' yes Beii.. I know I snore and I rampas Blanket! Kesian my lil' cousin back at home putting 4 nights off in my house! She can do nothing jus to be patient! I gave her a EMERGENCY BLANKET jus in case i snatch all her blanket.. and today when i jus woke up.. She's actually using it! So what can i say! Yes.. I fight for blanket, and yes.. I Snore, I Drool.. Haih... Don't tell me princess in fairy tales.. in the world.. Haiseh!

So how am i gonna stop snoring? Why am I snoring? Here's some research that i have done :

People with snoring problems tend to have one of the following conditions:

- Poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat

- Excessive bulkiness of throat tissue

- Long soft palate and/or uvula tissue in the back of the mouth

- Obstructed nasal airways

Snoring can be a serious medical problem because it disturbs sleeping patterns and deprives the snorer of necessary rest.

Did you know?

- 20% of the population experiences snoring problems.

- Males and obese people have more problems with snoring.

- Snoring tends to be louder when a person sleeps on their back.

I just want to get rid of this sleeping habits! Kesian my the other half next time.. Will do some experiment now on to stop my nightmares!


Anonymous said...

I think more like whoever-sleeping-next-to-you's nightmare..hahahahhaa =p

Sunshine Smoothies said...

Hei.. I'm trying to overcome it ok! U think i want one meh!! Arghh..

Anonymous said...

Samore everytime comment about the way I sleep! Cannot wake up in da morning only marrr, not as serious as you! Bluek :P

Beii said...

eh da jie jie!cannot wake up also very annoying lo!hahah

Sunshine Smoothies said...

Ya man.. Da jie jie.. U know... That is even worst!!! =P